our history


2001 - After 20 years' experience in the colorimetry field, Luigi Centurelli recognises the need for paint manufacturers to have a laboratory dedicated to colour matching. He founds CROMOTECH with the aim of supporting manufacturers in the execution and maintenance of colour development projects.

2005 - A new laboratory is built to meet the specific needs of the colour matching sector.

2008CROMOTECH strengthens its presence in the sector and alongside its lab creates a new department for the production of reference colour cards.

Every year - CROMOTECH is committed to improving its own technology and production capacity.

Since its beginnings, CROMOTECH has grown considerably, in terms of volume, staff and customers whilst always remaining a family company. At the heart of CROMOTECH there is a family – the Centurelli family - this offers a guarantee of direct responsibility for the project, of continuity and inevitably of "face to face" collaboration – responding directly, with skill and professionalism, to customers' needs.



Founder/Master Colourist



General Manager



Laboratory Manager